Reserva Cancelar
This message allows cancelling an existing reservation on the platform or querying the amount it would cost to cancel, without actually cancelling it.
You must provide the reservation locator (locata). Additionally, you can indicate the operation to be performed (acccan): only tariff, or cancel. If no action is indicated, it is considered that, by default, it cancels.
For the use of the reservation locator (locata), it must be considered in which element it is located. The value of locata will always be the one of the reservation locator on the platform.
This locator will be the reference to the provider offering the service. Because the platform is multi-provider, it may be the case that the provider is external (not Hotetec's own).
The reservation locator located in the Estsmo element is the one that refers to the external provider if applicable. Therefore, the value of locata within the Estsmo element may or may not coincide with the rest of the locata values depending on who the provider is.
In the case of multi-room reservations, in the Estsmo element of the ReservationClose, a locator from the external provider may be obtained for each room of the reservation. To cancel this type of reservation if you want to cancel the reservation in its entirety, in the ReservationCancel message, you must indicate the Hotetec locator and the HTT codtou, in case the cotou of the external provider is used and one of the locators obtained within the Estsmo element will only cancel said locator in the provider.
The action of only tariffing (option T) consists of simulating a cancellation of the reservation to know what the cancellation amount would be if desired. The queried reservation remains valid on the platform. If it is an external provider, this action is limited to the need for the external provider to provide only tariffing.
The action of canceling (option C) confirms the cancellation of the reservation.
In both cases, the response returns the associated cancellation amount.
ReservaCancelarPeticion: request message for reservation cancellation or cancellation tariffing.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | Max length: 40 | Unique session identifier |
codtou | Y | String |
| TTOO code |
locata | Y | String | Max length : 30 | Reservation locator |
acccan | N | Enumeration |
T C P | Cancellation action. T: If only tariffing the cancellation is desired. C: If cancellation and tariffing the cancellation are desired.Default value. P: If a cancellation request is desired. |
motcan | N | String | Max length : 3 | Cancellation reason |
descan | N | String | Max length : 1.000 | Cancellation description |
In this case, since no action is specified, the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
In this case, as the action of only tariffing is specified, it will tariff and return the cancellation amount, but the reservation will remain active.
<locata> NTI190834NRLL </locata>
Example of a multiroom reservation made to an external provider:
The reservation NTI190923NRRG (Hotetec Locator) consists of 3 rooms with the following locators from the external provider X31-357247, X20-357248, and X29-357249.
To cancel the entire reservation, indicate in the codtou element HTT and the Hotetec locator.
<locata> NTI190834NRLL </locata>
In the case of indicating in the codtou the external provider 'ALT' and one of the locators obtained within the Estsmo element, only the indicated room locator would be cancelled, leaving the other rooms active.
<locata> X31-357247</locata>
ReservaCancelarRespuesta: Response message for reservation cancellation.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | Max length : 40 | Unique session identifier |
codtou | Y | String |
| TTOO code |
coddiv | Y | Enumeration | EUR, USD, GBP, EGP, MXN, CHF | Currency code. ISO 4217 codes are used for currencies, of which only the listed ones are currently accepted |
impcan | Y | Double | Min value: 0 Max value: 100.000 | Cancellation fee. |
locata | Y | String | Max length : 30 | Reservation locator |
error | N | error (Grupo) | See definition | See definition |
The response to a reservation cancellation message will always return, in addition to the session ID (idses) and locator (locata), the currency code and the cancellation amount.
Depending on the action specified in the request, the reservation will have been cancelled and removed from the platform, or it will remain active.
Example of a reservation cancellation response. It can be seen that the cancellation amount has been indicated.