Reserva Abrir
This message will open a previously closed reservation to be able to consult its data.
ReservaAbrirPeticion: request message to open a reservation.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | Max length : 40 | Unique session identifier |
codtou | Y | String |
| TTOO code |
locata | Y | String | Max length : 30 | Reservation locator |
infblo | N | Enumeration | S N A | Indicates whether all locks up to the moment should be reported. S: Will report all locks made up to the moment. Default value. N: will not report any lock. A: reports the current operation. |
accion | N | Enumeration | M C | Acction in the message.
M: modify. C: query.Default value. |
traduc | N | Enumeration[] | codcas, codcha, codcia, coddiv, codemp, codloc, codnot, codral, codsca, codsmo, codsup, codtse, codusu, codzge, cupest, desele, grpcas, nomzge, refnot, subtse, tipdoc, tippag, zgeori | Fields to translate in the response. For each field, you can indicate only the name, or the name followed by a hash (#). If you only provide the name, it will translate the description; if you also include the hash, it will translate the code. |
Example of a reservation opening request message with the locator OHG10440611ARMX:
</ ReservaAbrirPeticion>
ReservaAbrirRespuesta: response message to open a reservation.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | Max length : 40 | Unique session identifier |
codtou | Y | String |
| TTOO code |
locata | Y | String | Max length : 30 | Reservation locator |
refage | N | String | Max length : 100 | Agency reference |
Impcag | N | String |
| Agency commission tax percentage |
cupest | Y | Enumeration |
ND CE DS OP PC CM VL AN FA | Availability status. ND: not available. CE: closed. DS: available. OP: option. PC: on request. CM: confirmed. VL: free sale. AN: cancelled. FA: invoiced. |
feccre | Y | Date |
| Creation date |
fecini | Y | Date |
| Check in date |
fecfin | Y | Date |
| Check out date |
fecmod | N | DateTime |
| Modification date |
feclim | N | DateTime |
| Reservation deadline date |
codemp | Y | String | Max length : 10 | Company or agency group code to which the user belongs |
codage | Y | String | Max length : 15 | Agency code |
codusu | Y | String | Max length : 15 | User code |
codofi | N | String | Max length: 15 | Office code |
coddiv | Y | Enumeration |
EUR, USD, GBP, EGP, MXN, CHF | Currency code. ISO 4217 codes are used for currencies, of which only the listed ones are currently accepted. |
cambio | N | Double | Min value : 0 Max value : 1.000.000 | Exchange rate used for price calculation |
impnoc | Y | Double | Min value: 0 Max value: 100.000 | Non commissionable amount |
impcom | Y | Double | Min value: 0 Max value : 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
respas | Y | Respas[] | See definition | See definition |
resser | Y | Resser[] | See definition | See definition |
ressup | N | Ressup[] | See definition | See definition |
rescan | N | Rescan[] | See definition | See definition |
rstcan | N | Rstcan[] | See definition | See definition |
percon | Y | Percon | See definition | See definition |
notser | N | Notser[] | See definition | See definition |
forpag | N | Forpag[] | See definition | See definition |
error | N | error (Group) | See definition | See definition |
Example of a reservation open message request.
<nomser>HOTEL LAS PALOMAS</nomser>
<txtinf>[email protected];[email protected]</txtinf>
<txtinf>Direct Client Payment: false</txtinf>
<txtinf>OFFER: Long Stay Offer</txtinf>
<txtinf>OFFER: Promo Room</txtinf>
<txtinf>PVP / Retail Price: false</txtinf>
<txtinf>OFFER: Long Stay Offer</txtinf>
<txtinf>OFFER: Promo Room</txtinf>