Bloqueo Servicio
This message allows you to block the rooms of the services from the last availability sent.
Each time an availability is performed, it returns a list with information about the hotels that meet the search criteria. For each of these hotels, it returns a list of rooms. The elements are "infhot" and "infhab" respectively, as seen in the availability messages. Both elements have an identifyer atribute, "id", which is used to perform the blocking of the required services.
In the service blocking request, it is important to emphasize that the information related to the last availability performed will be used.To indicate this information in the request, it is done as follows: the "id" of the "infhot" element will be indicated as the "id" of the "bloser" element, and the "id" of the "infhab" element will be indicated as the "id" of the "dissmo" element.
Table of identifier id equivalences:
Availability | Block |
Infhot | Bloser |
Infhab | Dissmo |
Last availability | Block |
<DisponibilidadHotelRespuesta> … <infhotid="29"> … <infhabid="2"> … </infhab> <infhabid="8"> … </infhab> </infhot> … </DisponibilidadHotelRespuesta> | <BloqueoServicioPeticion> … <bloserid="29"> <dissmoid="2"> … </dissmo> <dissmoid="8"> … </dissmo> </bloser> … </BloqueoServicioPeticion> |
For example, if we only wanted to block room with ID 2 (in this case, we are not interested in room with identifyer 8), there would be only one "dissmo" element with a value of ID 2 in the blocking.
Operations: add, query and delete blocks.
The default operation is add, so if not specified in the request message, the action performed will be to add the information of the specified identifiers.
The functionality is similar to that of a shopping cart on a web page: you can add blocks, check what has been added so far, and remove blocks from the "cart".
As mentioned before, to add a block, you must use the ID of the last availability. However, for the other operations, you should use the block's ID. This is because both for querying and deleting, we refer to the "cart" and not to any availability.
For example, if we wanted to delete the distribution of modality 8 for service block 29 (continuing with the previous example), we should specify these values in the blocking request. The delete action always applies to accumulated blocks.
Example of deleting all information for hotel with id 29:
<BloqueoServicioPeticion> <ideses>{{ideses}}</ideses> <codtou>TESTHTT</codtou> <bloser id = "29"> <dissmo id = "2"/> </bloser> <accion>E</accion> </BloqueoServicioPeticion> |
If we specify the query action, there's no need to provide further details as it will simply return a list of all the blocks that have been made in the current session.
Example of a query in the current session:
<BloqueoServicioPeticion> <ideses>{{ideses}}</ideses> <codtou>TESTHTT</codtou> <accion>C</accion> </BloqueoServicioPeticion> |
The result of this request will provide us with a list of blocks accumulated at the moment. If the operation is performed after closing a reservation or before adding any availability, the result will be empty.
BloqueoServicioPeticion: Request message to block a service.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Descripction |
ideses | Y | String | Max. length: 40 | Unique session identifyer |
codtou | Y | String |
| TTOO code |
pasage | N | Pasage | See definition | See definition |
bloser | N | Bloser[] | See definition | See definition |
blosup | N | Blosup[] | See definition | See definition |
tarifi | N | Enumeration |
S T B P | Indicates whether the segment or itinerary should be tariffed. S: Tariff. T: tariff and block. Default value. B: tariffed sale. P: budget. |
infblo | N | Enumeration |
S N A | Indicates whether all the blocks up to this point should be reported. S: It will report all blocks made up to this point. Default value. N: no blocks will be reported. A: reports the current operation. |
accion | Y | Enumeration |
A E C | Action in the message. A: add. Default value. E: delete C: query. |
traduc | N | Enumeration[] | codcas, codcha, codcia, coddiv, codemp, codloc, codnot, codral, codsca, codsmo, codsup, codtse, codusu, codzge, cupest, desele, grpcas, nomzge, refnot, subtse, tipdoc, tippag, zgeori | Fields to translate in the response. For each field, you can specify just the name or the name followed by a hash (#). If you only provide the name, it will translate the description; if you also include the hash, it will translate the code. |
Sub-element Pasage: type and number of passengers.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
adl | N | Adl[] | See definition | See definition |
nin | N | Nin[] | See definition | See definition |
beb | N | Beb[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Adl: number of adults and identify one adult and their age.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
fecnac | Y | Date |
| Birth date |
impnoc | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
codpps | N | String[] | Max. length: 40 | Passenger property code |
Used in:
Sub-element Nin: indicates child passenger type.
Elemento | M | Tipo de datos | Restricciones | Descripción |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
fecnac | Y | Date |
| Birth date |
impnoc | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
codpps | N | String[] | Max. length: 40 | Passenger property code |
Used in:
Sub-element Beb: indicates infant passenger type, age and dependent passenger.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
fecnac | Y | Date |
| Birth date |
impnoc | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
pasdep | Y | String | Max. length : 20 | Passenger they depend on |
Used in:
Sub-element Bloser: indicates a service of any type, excepts air service and its characteristics.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
dissmo | S | Dissmo[] | See definition | See definition |
notser | N | Notser[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Dissmo: distribution of passengers within the selected mode.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
pasid | Y | String[] | Max. length: 10 | Unique passenger identifier |
numuni | N | Integer | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100 | Number of units |
motcan | N | String | Max. length: 3 | Cancellation reason |
descan | N | String | Max. length: 1.000 | Cancellation description |
notser | N | Notser[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Notser: service note.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
estnot | N | Enumeration |
P T A N S | Note status. P: requested. T: processing. A: accepted. N: denied. S: no accepted. |
codnot | Y | Enumeration |
PRV CLI RES | Note code. PRV: note to the supplier. CLI: note to the customer RES: note to the reservation. |
codusu | N | String
| Max. length: 15 | User code |
feccre | N | DateTime
| Creation date |
txtinf | Y | String | Max. length: 4.000 | Information text |
refnot | N | String | Max. length: 200 | Note reference |
pasid | N | String[] | Max. length: 10 | Unique passenger identifier |
Used in:
Respuesta Resser
Sub-element Blosup: identifies a supplement and the passengers it affects.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
pasid | N | String[] | Max. length: 10 | Unique passenger identifier |
numuni | N | Integer | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100 | Number of units |
motcan | N | String | Max. length: 3 | Cancellation reason |
descan | N | String | Max. length: 1.000 | Cancellation description |
notser | N | Notser[] | See definition | See definition |
fecini | Y | DateTime |
| Check in date |
fecfin | Y | DateTime |
| Check out date |
Used in:
Example of a request to add a service block for two adults using the block identifiers 29 and mode 180, previously obtained from availability:
BloqueoServicioRespuesta: response message for blocking a service.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | Max. length: 40 | Unique session identifier |
codtou | Y | String |
| TTOO code |
cupest | Y | Enumeration |
ND CE DS OP PC CM VL AN FA | Availability status. ND: not available. CE: closed. DS: available. OP: option. PC: on request. CM: confirmed. VL: free sale. AN: canceled. FA: invoiced. |
Impcag | N | String |
| Agency commission tax percentage |
coddiv | Y | Enumeration | EUR, USD, CUP | Currency code. ISO 4217 codes are used for currencies, and currently only the ones listed are accepted. |
cambio | N | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 1.000.000 | Exchange rate used for price calculation. |
impnoc | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
pasage | N | Pasage | See definition | See definition |
resser | N | Resser[] | See definition | See definition |
ressup | N | Ressup[] | See definition | See definition |
infsup | N | Infsup[] | See definition | See definition |
infrsr | N | Infrsr | See definition | See definition |
error | N | Error (Group) | See definition | See definition |
Sub-element Resser: information regarding the reservation of a service.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Service name |
fecini | Y | DateTime |
fecfin | Y | DateTime |
nomser | Y | String | Max. length: 50 | Service category code |
codsca | N | String | Max. length: 10 | Hotel chain code |
codcia | N | String | Max. length: 50 | Geographical origin zone |
zgeori | N | String | Max. length: 50 | Geographical zone code |
codzge | Y | String[] | Max. length: 5 | Service type code |
codtse | Y | String | Max. length: 5 | Service subtype code |
subtse | N | String |
codser | Y | String | Max. length: 50 | Service code |
impnoc | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
estsmo | Y | Estsmo[] | See definition | See definition |
notser | N | Notser[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element nombre Estsmo: status for the referenced modality.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
codcon | N | String | Max. length: 200 | Contract code |
codsmo | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Service modality code |
codcha | N | String[] | Max. length: 30 | Modality characteristic code. |
codral | N | String | Max. length: 10 | Mealplan code |
codtrf | N | String[] | Max. length: 15 | Rate code |
nomtrf | N | String[] | Max. length: 100 | Rate name |
cupest | Y | Enumeration |
ND CE DS OP PC CM VL AN FA | Availability status. ND: not available. CE: closed. DS: available. OP: option. PC: on request. CM: confirmed. VL: free sale. AN: canceled. FA: invoiced. |
numuni | Y | Integer | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100 | Number of units |
impnoc | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
codprv | Y | String | Max. length: 10 | Provider code |
locata | N | String | Max. length: 30 | Locator |
rstcan | N | Rstcan[] | See definition | See definition |
estpas | N | Estpas[] | See definition | See definition |
forpag | S | Forpag[] | See definition | See definition |
notser | N | Notser[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Estpas: status for one or multiple passengers.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
pasid | Y | String[] | Max. length: 10 | Unique passenger identifier |
cupest | N | Enumeration |
ND CE DS OP PC CM VL AN FA | Availability status. ND: not available. CE: closed. DS: available. OP: option. PC: on request. CM: confirmed. VL: free sale. AN: canceled. FA: invoiced. |
impnoc | N | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | N | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
rescan | N | Rescan | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Rescan: indicates if the reservation is canceled and the cancellation details.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
loccan | Y | String | Max. length: 30 | Cancellation locator |
usucan | Y | String | Max. length: 15 | User who made the cancellation |
feccan | Y | DateTime |
| Cancellation date |
sancan | N | String | Max. length: 100 | Cancellation penalty |
motcan | N | String | Max. length: 3 | Cancellation reason |
descan | N | String | Max. length: 1.000 | Cancellation description |
coscan | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Cancellation amount |
Used in:
Sub-element Forpag: payment method.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
tippag | Y | Enumeration |
C P N T F R A E I G J | Payment type C: credit. P: prepay. N: not for sale. T: Card. F: by phone. R: bank transfer. A: cash. E: in establishment. I: immediate. G: cancellation fees. J: prepaid card |
codpag | N | String | Max. length: 10 | Payment code. |
txtinf | N | String | Max. length: 4.000 | Information text |
refpag | N | String | Max. length: 50 | Internal payment reference |
reftpv | N | String | Max. length: 50 | POS payment reference |
tittar | N | String | Expresión regular: [az AZ]{10,40} | Card holder |
codcia | N | String | Max. length: 10 | Hotel chain code |
codtar | N | String | Max. length: 16 | Card number |
refopg | N | String | Max. length: 50 | Payment option reference |
fecfin | N | Date |
| Final date |
cvcdos | N | String | Expresión regular: [09]{2,3} | Card CVC2 security PIN |
imptot | N | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Total amount |
Pasid | N | String[] | Max. length: 10 | Unique passenger identifier |
Accpag | N | Enumeration |
VTA DEV ANL BLQ REC PRE | Payment action. VTA: Sale. Default value. DEV: refund. ANL: cancellation. BLQ: preauthorization. REC: reload. PRE: preauthorization to sale. |
Used in:
Sub-element Ressup: reservation supplement.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
@refser | N | String | Max. length: 100 | Service reference |
@refsmo | N | String | Max. length: 100 | Service modality reference |
codsup | Y | String | Max. length: 10 | Supplement code |
tipsup | N | Enumeration |
AD CA DI DN DR EB EM FO GE HF SI TA ZO | Supplement type. AD: single parent. CA: extra bed. DI: breakfast included. DN: child discount. DR: resident discount. EB: early booking. EM: minimum stay. FO: operation date. GE: general. HF: handling fee. SI: single supplement. TA: tax. ZO: zone. |
numuni | Y | Integer | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100 | Number of units |
tipapl | N | Enumeration | U E S P | Application type. U: stay service application. E: passenger application. S: day service application. P: day passenger application. |
chkopc | N | Check | See definition | Indicates if it is mandatory. |
txtlib | N | String | Max. length: 1.000 | Free text |
impnoc | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
estpas | N | Estpas[] | See definition | See definition |
notser | N | Notser[] | See definition | See definition |
fecini | Y | DateTime |
| Check in date |
fecfin | Y | DateTime |
| Check out date |
Used in:
Sub-element Infsup: información about reservation supplements.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
@refser | N | String | Max. length: 100 | Service reference |
@refsmo | N | String | Max. length: 100 | Service modality reference |
codsup | Y | String | Max. length: 10 | Supplement code |
tipsup | N | Enumeration |
AD CA DI DN DR EB EM FO GE HF SI TA ZO | Supplement type. AD: single parent. CA: extra bed. DI: breakfast included. DN: child discount. DR: resident discount. EB: early booking. EM: minimum stay. FO: operation date. GE: general. HF: handling fee. SI: single supplement. TA: tax. ZO: zone. |
chkopc | N | Check | See definition | Indicates if it is mandatory. |
txtlib | N | String | Max. length: 1.000 | Free text |
impnoc | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | Y | Double | Min. value: 0 Max. value: 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
estpas | N | Estpas[] | See definition | See definition |
notser | N | Notser[] | See definition | See definition |
fecini | Y | DateTime |
| Check in date |
fecfin | Y | DateTime |
| Check out date |
Used in:
Sub-element Infrsr: reservation restrictions.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
Chkflm | N | Check | See definition | Indicates if the reservations's deadline date must be provided |
Chkrfa | N | Check | See definition | Indicates if the agency reference of the reservation must be provided |
Chkpec | N | Check | See definition | Indicates if the reservation's contact person must be provided |
Chkdrf | N | Check | See definition
| Indicates if the billing address of the reservation must be provided |
Chkdre | N | Check | See definition | Indicates if the delivery address of the reservation must be provided |
Infrpa | N | Infrpa[] | See definition | See definition |
Infrpg | N | Infrpg[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Infrpa: Information about passenger restrictions.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
Tipmpg | Y | String | E - In establishment I - Immediate A - Deferred G - Cancellation fees D - Installments X - External | Payment modality type |
TxtInf | Y | String | Max. length: 4.000 | Information text |
Inffpg | Y | Inffpg[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Infrpg: Information about reservation restrictions related to payment modes.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
Tipmpg | Y | String | E - In establishment I - Immediate A - Deferred G - Cancellation fees D - Installments X - External | Payment modality type |
TxtInf | Y | String | Max. length: 4.000 | Information text |
Inffpg | Y | Inffpg[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Inffpg: Payment date information.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
Fecpag | N | Date | Max. length: 100 | Payment date |
Imptot | Y | String |
| Total amount |
Infopg | Y | Infopg[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Infopg: payment option information
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | N | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
Tippag | Y | String | C - Credit card. P - Prepay. N - Not for sale. T - Card. F - By phone. R - Bank transfer. A - Cash. E - In establishment I – Immediate G - Cancellation fees D - Installments X – External V - Virtual card B - Voucher H - Check O - Electronic invoice | Indicates payment type |
Despag | Y | String | Max. length: 4.000 | Payment type description |
Rsttar | N | Rsttar[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Rsttar: Credit card payment restrictions
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
Detrta | N | Detrta[] | See definition | See definition |
Imprst | N | String |
| Additional amount implicated by the restriction |
Used in:
Sub-element Detrta: Details of credit card payment restrictions.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | N | String | Max. length: 100 | Element identifier |
Codcia | Y | String[] | Max. length: 20 | Company code |
Imprst | N | String |
| Additional amount implicated by the restriction |
Used in:
Example of response message :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<adl id="1">
<adl id="2">
<resser id="1">
<fecini>20/12/2024 00:00</fecini>
<fecfin>23/12/2024 00:00</fecfin>
<nomser>Hotetec PULL</nomser>
<estsmo id="1">
<infopg id="1">