Modificado en: Mar, 20 Dic, 2022 a 3:26 P. M.

Booking Flow
We will use the following GA4 events:
Events | Key | GA4 event | Description |
Product Impression (Destination) | PID | view_item_list | Impressions in search results by destination |
Product Impression (Hotel) | PIH | view_item_list | Impressions in search results by hotel |
Product Click | CL | select_item | Click on product impression (hotel / room) |
Product Detail | PD | view_item | Impressions in search result by hotel |
Add to Cart | AC | add_to_cart | Select room and add to cart |
Checkout | CO | begin_checkout | Check out page |
Purchase | PU | purchase | Purchase |
| | | |
We configure the GA4 event variables in this way:
Variable | Description | Example | PID | PIH | PD | AC | CO | PU |
item_id | Hotel's ID | 12345 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
item_name | Hotel | Hotel Demo Hotetec | x | x | x | x | x | x |
affiliation | Source page | HPH | x | x | x | x | x | x |
coupon | Promotional code | BlackFriday2020 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
currency | Currency | EUR | x | x | x | x | x | x |
discount | Discount applied | 2.22 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
index | Search position | 0 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
item_brand | Type of accommodation (Hotel, Apartments) | Hotel | x | x | x | x | x | x |
item_category | Hotels's country | ES | x | x | x | x | x | x |
item_category2 | Hotel's destination | Mallorca | x | x | x | x | x | x |
item_category3 | Hotel's zone | Can Pastilla | x | x | x | x | x | x |
item_list_id | Search type ID | dest_ok | x | x | x | x | x | x |
item_list_name | Search type | Destination OK | x | x | x | x | x | x |
item_variant | Room/Package | Doble Estandard | | x | x | x | x | x |
price | Total room rate | 100 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
quantity | Number of rooms | 1 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
regimen | Meal plan | TI, SO, AD | | x | x | x | x | x |
tarifa | Rate | Non Refundable | | x | x | x | x | x |
check_in | Check-in | 20-12-2022 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
check_out | Check-out | 25-12-2022 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
booking_window | Booking window | 65 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
noches | Nights reservation | 5 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
pax | Occupancy type: Adults-Children-Babies | 2–0-0 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Specifically for the "impression" events we will work with four variables of item_list_name:
item_list_name | item_list_id | Value |
Hotel OK | hotel_ok | Search by hotel with availability |
Hotel KO | hotel_ko | Search by hotel without availability |
Destination OK | destination_ok | Search by destination with availability |
Destination KO | destination_ko | Search by destination without availability |
IMPORTANT: "Hotel KO" and "Destiantion KO" are not implemented because the booking engine does not return searches without results but it will always offer alternatives.
1. Product impressions (destination) - view_item_list
Description: We register each search at destination level with view_item_list (impression) event that includes an array with hotels.
Page: Searches by destination
Trigger: We launch dataLayer push when returning search results.
Event Name: view_item_list
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); // Clear the previous ecommerce object. dataLayer.push({ event: "view_item_list", ecommerce: { items: [ {//Primer hotel item_id: "12345", item_name: "Hotetec Demo Hotel", affiliation: "HPH", coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", currency: "EUR", discount: 10.00, index: 0, item_brand: "Hotel", item_category: "ES", item_category2: "Mallorca", item_category3: "Can Pastila", item_list_id: "dest_ok", item_list_name: "Destination OK", price: 99.99, check_in: "2022-12-01", check_out: "2022-12-05" , booking_window: 65, noches: 5, pax: 2-0-0, quantity: 1 }, { //Todos los hoteles }] } }); |
2. Product impressions (hotel & packages) - view_item_list
Description: We log each visit at hotel level with view_item event.
Page: A visit to availability's page at hotel level.
Trigger: We launch dataLayer push when hotel rooms page is loaded
Event Name: view_item
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); // Clear the previous ecommerce object. dataLayer.push({ event: "view_item_list", ecommerce: { items: [ {//Primera habitación o paquete item_id: "12345", item_name: "Hotetec Demo Hotel", affiliation: "HPH", coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", currency: "EUR", discount: 10.00, index: 2, item_brand: "Hotel", item_category: "ES", item_category2: "Mallorca", item_category3: "Can Pastila", item_list_id: "hotel_ok", item_list_name: "Hotel OK", item_variant: "Doble Estandard", price: 99.99, check_in: "2022-12-01" , check_out: "2022-12-05" , regimen: "AI", tarifa: "No reembosable", booking_window: 65, noches: 5, pax: 2-0-0, quantity: 1 }, { //Todas las habitaciones }] } }); |
3. Room's click - select_item
Description: We register each click made on results that includes information about the selected object.
Page: Destination/hotel search results
Trigger: We launch a dataLayer push when a click is made in a hotel
Event Name: select_item
Room's example:
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); // Clear the previous ecommerce object. dataLayer.push({ event: "select_item", ecommerce: { items: [ {// La habitación que ha recibido el click item_id: "12345", item_name: "Hotetec Demo Hotel", affiliation: "HPH", coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", currency: "EUR", discount: 10.00, index: 2, item_brand: "Hotel", item_category: "ES", item_category2: "Mallorca", item_category3: "Can Pastila", item_list_id: "hotel_ok", item_list_name: "Hotel OK", item_variant: "Doble Estandard", price: 99.99, check_in: "2022-12-01" , check_out: "2022-12-05" , regimen: "AI", tarifa: "No reembosable", booking_window: 65, noches: 5, pax: 2-0-0, quantity: 1 }] } }); |
4. Add/remove to cart
Description: We register the selection of a room with an add to cart event - add_to_cart
Page: Search → Checkout
Trigger: We launch a dataLayer push on room selection (buton BOOK). In case of multi-rooms the dataLayer push is triggered for each added room.
Event Name: add_to_cart
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); // Clear the previous ecommerce object. dataLayer.push({ event: "add_to_cart", ecommerce: { items: [ { item_id: "12345", item_name: "Hotetec Demo Hotel", affiliation: "HPH", coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", currency: "EUR", discount: 10.00, index: 2, item_brand: "Hotel", item_category: "ES", item_category2: "Mallorca", item_category3: "Can Pastila", item_list_id: "hotel_ok", item_list_name: "Hotel OK", item_variant: "Doble Estandard", price: 99.99, check_in: "2022-12-01" , check_out: "2022-12-05" , regimen: "AI", tarifa: "No reembosable", booking_window: 65, noches: 5, pax: 2-0-0, quantity: 1 }] } }); |
5. Checkout
5.1 begin_checkout
Description: We register when a client goes to the customer form with a checkout event.
Page: Client form (on page load)
Trigger: When the checkout page is loaded.
Event Name: begin_checkout
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); // Clear the previous ecommerce object. dataLayer.push({ event: "begin_checkout", ecommerce: { currency: "EUR", value: 89.99, coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", items: [ { item_id: "12345", item_name: "Hotetec Demo Hotel", affiliation: "HPH", coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", currency: "EUR", discount: 10.00, index: 2, item_brand: "Hotel", item_category: "ES", item_category2: "Mallorca", item_category3: "Can Pastila", item_list_id: "hotel_ok", item_list_name: "Hotel OK", item_variant: "Doble Estandard", price: 99.99, check_in: "2022-12-01" , check_out: "2022-12-05" , regimen: "AI", tarifa: "No reembosable", booking_window: 65, noches: 5, pax: 2-0-0, quantity: 1 },{ //todas las habitaciones }] } }); |
5.2 add_shipping_info
Trigger: When the customer data fields are fulfilled
Event Name: add_shipping_info
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); // Clear the previous ecommerce object. dataLayer.push({ event: "add_shipping_info", ecommerce: { currency: "EUR", value: 89.99, coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", items: [ { item_id: "12345", item_name: "Hotetec Demo Hotel", affiliation: "HPH", coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", currency: "EUR", discount: 10.00, index: 2, item_brand: "Hotel", item_category: "ES", item_category2: "Mallorca", item_category3: "Can Pastila", item_list_id: "hotel_ok", item_list_name: "Hotel OK", item_variant: "Doble Estandard", price: 99.99, check_in: "2022-12-01" , check_out: "2022-12-05" , regimen: "AI", tarifa: "No reembosable", booking_window: 65, noches: 5, pax: 2-0-0, quantity: 1 }] } }); |
5.3 add_payment_info
Trigger: When the card data field is filled out
Event: add_payment_info
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); // Clear the previous ecommerce object. dataLayer.push({ event: "add_payment_info", ecommerce: { currency: "EUR", value: 89.99, coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", payment_type: "Credit Card", items: [ { item_id: "12345", item_name: "Hotetec Demo Hotel", affiliation: "HPH", coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", currency: "EUR", discount: 10.00, index: 2, item_brand: "Hotel", item_category: "ES", item_category2: "Mallorca", item_category3: "Can Pastila", item_list_id: "hotel_ok", item_list_name: "Hotel OK", item_variant: "Doble Estandard", price: 99.99, check_in: "2022-12-01" , check_out: "2022-12-05" , regimen: "AI", tarifa: "No reembosable", booking_window: 65, noches: 5, pax: 2-0-0, quantity: 1 }] } }); |
6. Purchase
Trigger: When the reservation is confirmed
Event: purchase
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); // Clear the previous ecommerce object. dataLayer.push({ event: "purchase", ecommerce: { transaction_id: "MAJ12345678", affiliation: "HPH", value: 89.99, tax: 4.90, currency: "EUR", coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", items: [ { item_id: "12345", item_name: "Hotetec Demo Hotel", affiliation: "HPH", coupon: "BLACKFRIDAY", currency: "EUR", discount: 10.00, index: 2, item_brand: "Hotel", item_category: "ES", item_category2: "Mallorca", item_category3: "Can Pastila", item_list_id: "hotel_ok", item_list_name: "Hotel OK", item_variant: "Doble Estandard", price: 99.99, check_in: "2022-12-01" , check_out: "2022-12-05" , regimen: "AI", tarifa: "No reembosable", booking_window: 65, noches: 5, pax: 2-0-0, quantity: 1 }, { //Todas las habitaciones }] } }); |