This document describes the technical specification of the PULL API for requests and responses sent to the Hotetec's Web Service.   The commun...
Mie, 1 Feb, 2023 a 11:17 A. M.
Open Session (openSession)
In order to perform any operation it is necessary to log in to our system and authenticate yourself. This message authenticates the user on Hote...
Lun, 16 Ene, 2023 a 10:12 A. M.
Hotels’ List (listHotels)
This message returns a list of establishments based on the parameters set up in the request message. It is important to keep in mind that only thos...
Lun, 16 Ene, 2023 a 10:13 A. M.
Hotels’ information (hotelInformation)
This message returns all the information relating to the establishments to which the user has access. The request can be made by filtering by a spe...
Lun, 16 Ene, 2023 a 10:19 A. M.
Hotel’s availability (hotelAvailability)
This message returns the availability for one or more establishments on specific dates filtered in the request. The rates that are returned alwa...
Mar, 5 Sep, 2023 a 11:48 A. M.
Multi-room's availability (hotelAvailability | multi-room)
This message returns the availability for one or more establishments on specific dates filtered in the query with more than one room requested.   ...
Lun, 16 Ene, 2023 a 10:20 A. M.