Information about a room in the booking.
Unpriced bookings (without an amount node) are allowed but will appear with amount 0.
The rateDay node is also optional for unpriced bookings or if contract information is not available.
NOTE: All bookingRooms of a booking must always be indicated:
Element | M | Type | Restrictions | Description |
@id | Y | String | Room identification code | |
status | Y | String | Values: Confirmed / Cancelled | Room booking status. |
checkinDate | Y | Date | Format: dd/MM/yyyy | Check-in date for the room. |
checkoutDate | Y | Date | Format: dd/MM/yyyy | Check-out date for the room. |
roomCode | Y | String | Room code | |
mealPlan | Y | String | Meal plan code | |
amount | N | Double | Amount for the room | |
currencyCode | Y | String | Currency of the room amount | |
rateDay | N | ComplexElement [0...N] | See definition | Daily breakdown of the rate |
guest | Y | ComplexElement [1...N] | See definition | Booking passengers |
arrivalFlight | N | ComplexElement | See definition | Arrival flight information |
departureFlight | N | ComplexElement | See definition | Departure flight information |
remark | N | ComplexElement | See definition | Remarks for the room |
Example BookingRoom:
<bookingRoom id="1">
<rateDay day="01/08/2020" rateCode="1234" amount="412.60"/>
<rateDay day="02/08/2020" rateCode="1234" amount="412.60"/>
<rateDay day="03/08/2020" rateCode="1234" amount="412.60"/>
<rateDay day="04/08/2020" rateCode="1234" amount="412.60"/>
<guest id="1" name="Guest name" amount="825.25" age="33" birthDate="01/04/1987"/>
<guest id="2" name="Guest name 2" amount="825.25" age="35" birthDate="01/04/1985"/>
<arrivalFlight dateTime="01/01/2021 00:00:00" flightNumber="abc1234"/>
<departureFlight dateTime=" 06 01 2021 00:00:00" flightNumber="xyz9876"/>
<remark text=" Non smoking room please"/>