Information about the date range of the update:
Element | M | Type | Restrictions | Description |
@dateFrom | Y | Date | Format: dd/MM/yyyy | Check in date |
@dateTo | Y | Date | Format: dd/MM/yyyy | Check out date |
availableQuota | Y | Integer | Number of units available | |
release | N | Integer | Release or advance purchase | |
minimumStay | N | Integer | Number of days for minimum stay | |
maximumStay | N | Integer | Number of days for maximum stay | |
checkinRestriction | N | String | Values: Open, Closed | Indicates if check-in is restricted on this day |
checkoutRestriction | N | String | Values: Open, Closed | Indicates if check-out is restricted on this day |
mealPlan | Y | ComplexElement [1..N] | See definition | Meal plan update information |
Example ApplicableDates:
<applicableDates dateFrom="01/03/2020" dateTo="08/03/2020">
<mealPlan code="RO">
<occupation adults="1" children="0" babies="0" status="Open" amount="512.0"/>