It will allow you to make availabilities based on the following criteria: hotel / destination / theme, guests, check-in and check-out dates, and discounts.
It should be noted that the system code of the engine can be B2C, which in turn is divided into HPH (desktop/tablet) and MPH (mobile), B2B and CCH. When the website has a B2B/Call Centre login component, only this system code (B2B or CCH) shall be used regardless of the device through which the user accesses the website. If the website does not have a B2B/Call Center login component, the engine will be B2C, so it will be necessary to pass to the engine as a parameter the system code corresponding to the device, HPH for desktop and tablet, and MPH for mobile.
When the B2B/Call Center login component exists on the website, the engine will automatically retrieve the system configured in that component. This can be seen in the commented HTML example.
When system is MPH (mobile) the engine display is full screen and can be shown/hidden by the function passed by the toggleDisplay parameter. The 'X' of the engine will hide it and in the web part there must be logic to show it again for example by clicking on a button.
Main parameters
Parameter | Description | Example |
webSessionId | Unique web session identifier. It will be used to maintain the user's session between components and pages. | 01CDA38719E74937A2F275757ABA34EE |
view | Fixed value "Searcher | Searcher |
bookingEngine | Booking engine code. Provided by Hotetec. | 2 |
currency | Currency | ISO 639-1 format
language | Language | ISO 4217 format
system | System code (HPH or MPH) | HPH: Desktop or tablet MPH: Mobile |
availabilityUrl | Booking process page. Provided by Hotetec. | /bet0.html |
container | Id of the HTML tag that will be the container for the component | container |
tracking | Object with tracking information | |
toggleDisplay | JS function to be called only when 'system' is 'MPH' to show/hide the booking engine | toggleDisplay |
searcherBehaviour | Optional object with browser behaviour on loading | |
navigation | Object with navigation information | |
searcherDefaultValues | Optional object with browser defaults |
Object tracking
Parameter | Description | Example |
gtm | Google Tag Manager Identifier | GTM-TEST |
Object searcherBehaviour
Parameter | Description | Example |
openCalendar | Automatically opens the booking engine calendar when loading | true |
Object navigation
Parameter | Description | Example |
ipAddress | User Ip | |
countryCode | Country | ES |
domain | Website domain | |
referrer | From where do you reach the website | |
landingPage | First page accessed | |
userAgent | Browser User-Agent | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.124 Safari/537.36 Edg/102.0.1245.44 |
device | Device (computer, tablet, mobile) | desktop |
metaSearcherCode | 3 letter code indicating the system from which the request is coming from | TVG |
utm | Array of objects with the required utm. The format of each object shall be: {"code": code, "value": value} | [ {"code": "utm_campaign", "value": ["blogpost"]}, {"code": "utm_medium", "value": ["social"]}, {"code": "utm_source", "value": ["facebook"]} ] |
Object searcherDefaultValues
areaCode | Zone/Area code | ESBAL03 |
hotelCode | Hotel Code | 49426 |
thematicCode | Thematic code | BEACH |
dateFrom | Check in | 2022-07-23T00:00:00Z |
dateTo | Check out | 2022-07-26T00:00:00Z |
fareCode | Rate Code | 30125 |
roomCode | Room Code | DBL#STD |
mealPlanCode | Meal Plan Code | BB |
occupancyCode | Occupancy. Format O@Adults-Children-0. The 'O' at the beginning and the '0' at the end are fixed. It is only possible to indicate one room | O@3-1-0 |
promotionalCode | Default promotional code | BLACK_FRIDAY_23 |
* It will be necessary to replace the parameters that are not fixed by the values required at any given time depending on the type of search to be carried out.
Example of annotated HTML with required information
Event - Modify booking engine values
It is possible to modify the values of the engine by means of a JavaScript event, so that clicking on a button or link updates the search engine with the parameters we want.
Event - Open engine with autopositioning in the viewport
With the following JavaScript event you can open the engine and also make it auto-position itself in the viewport. It is possible to use this event right after the previous one (Modify engine values) so that after updating the engine values, it opens automatically. For example with prices from.
Option when the engine is not visible in the page viewport
Manually, you could make it so that when the search engine is not visible in the viewport of the page, display a button that when clicked by JS will click on the search engine input, and it will automatically open and auto position itself in the viewport.
Collect the promotional code from the URL and add it to the engine.
It is possible to add a promotional code to the engine before performing a search. This promotional code can be added for example from the main URL and can be added to the engine:
- 'promoCode': is the parameter name we use internally, but on a website outside the Hotetec environment you could use any parameter name you prefer.
- var promotionalCode: here is stored the promotional code to be passed to the booking engine