In order to generate deeplinks in a simpler way, a generic service has been created that allows us to have a base URL and add parameters to it and then from Hotetec we redirect to the corresponding booking engine with the client's final URL.
The base URL of the service is the following:
Magnolia 4.5 environment
Magnolia 6 environment
On this URL we will add after commonAvailability.meta/ all the parameters we need to display the required availability. Some parameters are mandatory and others are optional. The parameters that can be added to this URL are listed below:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Values |
bookingEngine | Booking engine code. This will be provided by Hotetec. | Yes | Numeric (1, 2, 3...) |
hotelCode* | Hotel code. This will be provided by Hotetec. You will use this parameter when you want to redirect to a specific hotel availability. | Yes | Numeric (58964, 5852,...) |
areaCode* | Area code. This will be provided by Hotetec. You will use this parameter when you want to redirect to an area availability and not to a hotel. Ex: Mallorca | Yes | Alphanumeric (ESBAL-03,...) |
dateFrom | Date of check-in | Yes | Format dd/MM/yyyy |
dateTo | Date of check-out | Yes | Format dd/MM/yyyy |
distribution | Distribution and occupancy of rooms. For adults we indicate "ad" followed by a hyphen and the number of adults in the indicated room. For children we add each child individually with the parameter "chd" followed by a hyphen and the age of the child. Occupant types are concatenated with # and in case of multi-room queries we separate the occupancies of each room with @. Example of 2 rooms (2 adults two children aged 3 and 4 + 2 adults and a child aged 5): ad-2#chd-3#chd-4@ad-2#chd-5 | Yes | Adults: ad-2 (number of adults) Children: chd-3 (age of child) |
language | Language code | Yes | ISO 639-1 format
currency | Currency code | Yes | ISO 4217 format
promotionalCode | Promotional code to be applied on the search. | No | Alphanumeric (BLACKFRIDAY_23,...) |
utm_source utm_medium utm_campaign utm_term utm_content | We contemplate up to 5 different types of UTM's for tracking and correct segmentation of landings or redirects. | No | Text |
customerIsLogged | Allows us to indicate if we want to access directly to "registration" type rates or not. If this value is not indicated, the default configuration of the booking engine in this parameter will be shown. | No | true/false |
* Only one of them is mandatory, if one of them exists in the request, the other one does not have to be set up.
Example URL requesting by hotel¤cy=EUR&distribution=ad-2%23chd-3%23chd-4%40ad-2%23chd-5&utm_source=SOURCE&utm_medium=MEDIUM&utm_campaign=CAMPAIGN&utm_content=CONTENT&utm_term=TERM
Example URL requesting by zone/area¤cy=EUR&distribution=ad-2%23chd-3%23chd-4%40ad-2%23chd-5&utm_source=SOURCE&utm_medium=MEDIUM&utm_campaign=CAMPAIGN&utm_content=CONTENT&utm_term=TERM