Disponibilidad Hotel
This message returns the list of hotels that meet the search criteria of the request. The "distri" element off the request contains each of the possible distributions.
DisponibilidadHotelPeticion: availability request message for stay-type services.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | max lenght: 40 | Session identifyer |
codtou | Y | String |
| TTOO code |
codprv | N | String | max lenght : 10 | Provider code |
fecini | Y | Date |
| Check in date |
fecfin | Y | Date |
| Check out date |
codser | C | String[] | max lenght : 50 | Hotel code |
codzge | C | String | max lenght : 50 | Geographical zone code |
nomser | C | String | max lenght : 100 | Hotel name |
subtse | C | String | max lenght : 5 | Hotel subtype code |
codsca | C | String[] | max lenght : 50 | Category code |
codcas | C | String[] | max lenght : 10 | Feature code |
codcia | C | String | max lenght : 10 | Hotel chain code |
codloc | C | String | max lenght : 10 | Location code |
medloc | C | Enumeration |
KM M MI HH | Hotel location value medium. KM: kilometers. M: meters. MI: minutes. HH: hours. |
valloc | C | String | max lenght : 5 | Hotel location value. If the location code is not present, the value refers to the center of the search area. |
codsmo | N | String | max lenght : 100 | Service modality code |
codcha | N | String[] | max lenght : 30 | Modality feature code. |
codral | N | String[] | max lenght : 10 | Mealplan code |
filprt | N | Filprt | See definition | See definition |
codtts | N | String[] | max lenght : 3 | Rate segmentation filter. |
codtrf | N | String | max lenght : 15 | Rate code |
impmin | N | Double | Min value: 0 Max value: 100.000 | Minimum amount |
impmax | N | Double | Min value: 0 Max value: 100.000 | Maximum amount |
tippag | N | Enumeration |
C P N T F R A E I G J | Payment type. C: Credit. P: prepay. N: not for sale. T: credit card. F: by phone. R: bank transfer. A: cash payment. E: in establishment. I: inmediate. G: cancellation fee. J: prepaid card |
chkscm | N | Check | See definition | Indicates only confirmed.By default(N). |
distri | Y | Distri[] | See definition |
chkvca | N | Check | See definition | Indicates whether cancellation fees should be evaluated. |
ordena | N | Ordena[] | See definition | See definition |
filtra | N | Filtra[] | See definition | See definition |
traduc | N | Enumeration[] | codcas, codcha, codcia, coddiv, codemp, codloc, codnot, codral, codsca, codsmo, codsup, codtse, codusu, codzge, cupest, desele, grpcas, nomzge, refnot, subtse, tipdoc, tippag, zgeori | Fields to translate in the response. For each field, you can indicate only the name or the name plus a hashtag (#). If you only put the name, it will translate the description; if you also put the hashtag, it will also translate the code. |
numrst | N | Integer | Min value: 10 Max value: 1.000 | Number of results desired in the response. If the number of results is greater than this value, it will paginate. |
indpag | N | Integer | Min value: 0 Max value: 10.000 | Page index. |
flgemp | N | String[] | A | If this node is indicated in the request with the value A (<flgemp>A</flgemp>), combined with codtou=HTI, the system will return Hotetec's internal product, but only for final accomodations (excluding incoming product) |
- codser or codzge are mandatory. If codzge is provided, additional filtering parameters can be optionally added: nomser, subtse, codsca, codcas, codcia, codloc, medloc and valloc.
- Cancellation fees can only be assessed if the provider offers the necessary information.
- Filtering: element filtering can be done in two ways: as an element within the DisponibilidadHotelPeticion message by specifying them, or as sub-elements of 'filtra'. In the first case, the query to the platform will already return the filtered result. In the second case, by specifying the values in the 'filtra' element, the general query is first perfomed, and then the results are filtered.
- Pagination: to enable pagination in the availability response at hotel level, you should specify it in the value of the 'numrst' element. You provide a value by which, if the response has a greater number of results, it will create pages based on the number specified in 'numrsrt'. For example, if you inform numrst with a value 20 and the response gives us 44 results, it will create two complete pages of 20 hotels and one with 4 hotels.
Sub-element Filprt: rate property filter.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
grpfil | Y | Grpfil[] | See definition | See definition |
Comments: çAll filter groups (grpfil) must be satisfied for the rate to be returned. Logical AND between property filter groups.
Example: See filter examples.
Used in:
Sub-element Grpfil: rate property filter grouping.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
selprt | Y | Selprt[] | See definition | See definition |
Comments: At least one of the property selection filters (selprt) must be satisfied for the rate to be returned. Logical operator OR between selprt.
Used in:
Sub-element Selprt: rate property selection filter.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
tipprt | Y | String | max length: 10 NRE MED UNE OFF ON MAR RES OPA REG OUT HGL II FUN EXC INC TAX AGT CC | Property type code: NRE: Non Refundable MED: Older than UNE: Unemployed OFF: Offline ON: Online MAR: Market RES: Resident OPA: Opaque REG: Sign in OUT: Exclude Calendar_Alternative HGL: Highlighted Rate II: Insurance Included FUN: Public worker EXC: Excluded Country INC: Included Country TAX: Tax Included AGT: Agent CC: Call Center |
valprt | N | String | max length : 10 | Value of the property. If no value is indicated, it will only be filtered by tipprt. |
flgsel | Y | Enumeration |
INC EXC | Include or exclude the property. INC: The rate must include the property. EXC: The rate must not include the property. |
nonprt | N | Enumeration |
INC EXC | Indicates whether to include or exclude rates that do not contain the tipprt property. INC: include. By default. EXC: exclude |
- Comments: The value indicated in "nonprt" will only be considered if the rate does not have the "tipprt" property. If the rate has the "tipprt" property, it will be returned based on the "valprt" and "flgsel" fields.
- Example: The rate has the "MERCADO" property (tipprt=MAR) and the "BRITÁNICO" value (valprt=BRIT). If a filter with tipprt=MAR and valprt=GER is applied, ant flgsel=INC, the rate will not be returned. If flgsel=EXC, then the rate will be returned.
- Example: The rate has the "MERCADO" property (tipprt=MAR) and the "ITALIA" value (valprt=ITAL). Filter with tipprt=MAYORES and valprt=65. The "flgsel" field is not considered. If nonprt=INC, the rate will be returned; if nonprt=EXC, the rate will not be returned.
Used in:
Sub-element Distri: passenger distribution.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | max length: 100 | Element identifyer |
numuni | Y | Integer | min value: 0 max value: 100 | Number of units |
numadl | C | Integer | min value: 0 max value: 100 | Number of adults |
numnin | C | Integer | min value: 0 max value: 100 | Number of children |
numbeb | C | Integer | min value: 0 max value: 100 | Number of babies |
numanc | C | Integer | min value: 0 max value: 100 | Number of seniors |
edanin | N | Integer | min value: 0 max value: 21 | Children age |
Comments: one of the elements numadl, numnin, numbeb, or numanc is mandatory. The passeger types are for informational purposes only. In the case of requesting availability for children and/or infants, it is recommended to provide the "edanin" field with the respective ages of each child and/or infant. The conditions for considering the types according to ages may vary depending on each provider. If the field is not provided, the platform will assign a default value according to each case.
Used in:
Sub-element Ordena: sorting field configuration
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
codele | Y | Enumeration |
codcas codcha codcia coddiv codidi codprv codral codsca codsmo codsup codtse subtse | Element code. codcas: Service feature. codcha: Modality feature. codcia: Hotel chain code coddiv: currency code. codidi: language code. codprv: provider code. codral: meal plan code. codsca: service category. codsmo: service modality. codsup: supplement code. codtse: service type. subtse: service subtype. |
condic | N | Enumeration |
NO EQ DI GR GREQ MI MIEQ CO EX | Condition to be used. NO: no condition. EQ: equal condition. DI: distinct condition. GR: greater than condition. GREQ: greater than or equal condition. MI: less than condition. MIEQ: less than or equal condition. CO: contains condition in “[]” EX: does not contain condition in “][“ |
valele | N | String[] | max length: 100 | Element value |
chkasc | Y | Check | See definition | Indicates whether the sorting is ascending or descending. |
Comments: To perform sorting of the results, you should specify the field by which you want to sort in the "codele" element, as well as the type of sorting, whether ascending or descending (chkasc). Additionally, you can specify the sorting condition (condic) and the values to be used for comparison (valele).
Used in:
Sub-element Filtra: configuration of a filter field.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | max length: 100 | Element identifyer |
codele | S | Enumeration |
codcas codcha codcia coddiv codidi codprv codral codsca codsmo codsup codtse subtse | Element code. codcas: Service feature. codcha: Modality feature. codcia: Hotel chain code coddiv: currency code. codidi: language code. codprv: provider code. codral: meal plan code. codsca: service category. codsmo: service modality. codsup: supplement code. codtse: service type. subtse: service subtype. |
elesup | N | String | max length: 6 | Superior element code |
condic | Y | Enumeration |
NO EQ DI GR GREQ MI MIEQ CO EX | Condition to be used. NO: no condition. EQ: equal condition. DI: distinct condition. GR: greater than condition. GREQ: greater than or equal condition. MI: less than condition. MIEQ: less than or equal condition. CO: contains condition in “[]” EX: does not contain condition in “][“ |
opelog | N | Enumeration |
AND OR NOT XOR THEN | Cancellation action. AND: logical AND. Default value. OR: logical OR. NOT: negation. Only for the associated operator. XOR: exclusive OR. THEN: if A then B. |
refftr | N | String | max length: 100 | Reference to the filter to which the logical operator will be applied. |
chksma | N | Check | See definition | Indicates whether only the margins or all values from the list are desired. |
valstr | C | String[] | max length: 100 | String of characters |
valfec | C | Date[] |
| Date value |
valhor | C | DateTime[] |
| Time value |
Comments: valstr, valfec or valhor are mandatory fields.
Used in:
Example of a hotel availability request:
<distri id='1'>
Disponibilidad Hotel Respuesta
DisponibilidadHotelRespuesta: hotel availability request response message.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | max length: 40 | Session identifyer |
codtou | Y | String |
| TTOO code |
infhot | N | Infhot[] | See definition | See definition |
infftr | N | Infftr[] | See definition | See definition |
numpag | N | Integer | min value: 0 max value: 1.000 | Current page number |
totpag | N | Integer | min value: 0 max value: 10.000 | Number of pages or if there are pages left to load |
totrst | N | Integer | min value: 0 max value: 1.000.000 | Total results |
Error | N | error (Group) | See definition | See definition |
Comments: the fields for pagination (numpag,totpag and totrst) are part of a single group. These fields are optional, but if one is present, then all of them should be included.
Pagination: if the "numrst" field has been provided in the request (see explanation), then the response will include all three of the mentioned fields.
Continuing with the previous example (44 results and "numrst" with a value 20), the values for the result pagination fields would be as follows:
- totrst 44
- totpag 3 (all results will be displayed in 3 pages)
- numpag will have a value of 1, 2 or 3 depending on the page where you are.
Sub-element Infhot: information about the availability of a loading service.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | max length: 100 | Element identifyer |
fecini | Y | Date |
| Check in date |
fecfin | Y | Date |
| Check out date |
codtse | Y | String | max length: 5 | Service type code |
subtse | N | String | max length : 5 | Service subtype code |
nomser | Y | String | max length : 100 | Service name |
codsca | Y | String | max length : 50 | Service category code |
codcia | N | String | max length : 10 | Hotel chain code |
codloc | N | String | max length : 10 | Service location code |
codcas | N | String | max length : 10 | Service feature |
codzge | Y | String | max length : 50 | Geographic area code |
coddiv | Y | Enumeration | EUR, USD, CUP | Currency code. ISO 4217 codes are used for currencies, of which only the listed ones are currently accepted. |
cambio | N | Double | min value: 0 max value: 1.000.000 | Exchange rate used for price calculation |
impbas | Y | Double | min value: 0 max value: 100.000 | Base amount. This is the total amount of the reservation minus taxes (including commission if the rate is commisionable) |
codser | Y | String | max length : 50 | Service code |
cupest | Y | Enumeration |
ND CE DS OP PC CM VL AN FA | Availability status. ND: not available. CE: closed. DS: available. OP: option. PC: on request. CM: confirmed. VL: free sale. AN: canceled. FA: invoiced. |
infhab | Y | Infhab[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Sub-element Infhab: informs about the availability of a room type (room type, feature, and meal plan).
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | max length : 100 | Element identifyer |
@refdis | N | String | max length : 100 | Reference to a distribution |
codcon | N | String | max length : 200 | Contract code |
codtrf | N | String[] | max length : 15 | Rate code |
nomtrf | N | String[] | max length : 100 | Rate name |
codsmo | Y | String | max length : 100 | Service modality code |
codcha | Y | String[] | max length : 30 | Service modality feature code |
codral | Y | String | max length : 10 | Meal plan code |
capmax | Y | Integer | min value : 0 max value: 1.000 | Maximum occupancy |
capmin | Y | Integer | min value : 0 max value : 1.000 | Minimum occupancy |
adlmax | Y | Integer | min value : 0 max value : 100 | Maximum number of adults |
ninmax | Y | Integer | min value : 0 max value : 100 | Maximum number of children |
cupest | Y | Enumeration |
ND CE DS OP PC CM VL AN FA | Availability status. ND: not available. CE: closed. DS: available. OP: option. PC: on request. CM: confirmed. VL: free sale. AN: canceled. FA: invoiced. |
cupinv | N | Integer | min value : 0 max value: 1.000 | Current inventory quota |
impnoc | C | Double | min value : 0 max value : 100.000 | Non-commissionable amount |
impcom | C | Double | min value : 0 max value : 100.000 | Commissionable amount |
imptax | C | Double | min value : 0 max value : 100.000 | Touristic tax amount |
ivatax | C | Double | min value : 0 max value : 100.000 | Touristic tax VAT amount |
tipapl | Y | Enumeration |
U E S P | Application type. U: service stay application. E: passenger stay application. S: Service day application. P: passenger day application. |
tippag | N | Enumeration |
C P N T F R A E I G J | Payment type. C: Credit. P: prepay. N: not for sale. T: credit card. F: by phone. R: bank transfer. A: cash payment. E: in establishment. I: inmediate. G: cancellation fee. J: prepaid card |
codprv | N | String | max length : 10 | provider code |
infofe | N | Infofe[] | See definition | See definition |
pvpobl | N | Double | min value : 0 max value : 100.000 | Mandatory selling price. |
rstcan | N | Rstcan[] | See definition | See definition |
infprv | N | Infprv | See definition | See definition |
Infprt | N | Infprt[] | See definition | See definition |
Used in:
Comments: impcom and impnoc are part of an optional group. Typically, either one or the other is provided. In the event that both are provided, both amounts should be added together.
Sub-element Infofe: offer information.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
@id | Y | String | max length : 100 | Element identifyer |
codofe | Y | String | max length : 15 | Offer code |
nomofe | Y | String | max length : 100 | Offer name |
codogr | N | String | max length : 10 | Offer group code |
coddiv | N | Enumeration | EUR, USD, CUP | Currency code. ISO 4217 codes are used for currencies, of which only the listed ones are currently accepted |
impbas | C | Double | min value : 0 max value : 100.000 | Base amount. This is the total amount of the reservation minus taxes (including commission if the rate is commisionable) |
pordes | C | Decimal | min value : -100 max value (inclusive): 100 Max decimals: 3 Allowed digits: 6 | Percentage of discount |
chkacu | N | Check | definition | Indicates whether the containing element is accumulative. |
Comments: impbas and pordes are mandatory fields.
Used in:
Sub-element Rstcan: cancellation restrictions.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
feccan | Y | Date |
| Cancellation date |
porcan | C | Decimal | min value : -100 max value (inclusive): 100 Max decimals: 3 Allowed digits: 6 | Percentage of cancellation cost |
impcan | C | Double | min value : 0 max value : 100.000 | Cancellation amount |
aplcan | N | Enumeration |
P T | Calculation code for cancellation cost. If the element is not provided, the cost calculation is a fixed value.
P: calculation based on the price of the first night. T: calculation based on the total of the element where rstcan is located. |
txtinf | C | String | max length : 4.000 | Information text. |
Comments: porcan, impcan and txtinf are mandatory fields.
Used in:
Sub-element Infprv: Information about provider codes.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
codsmo | N | String | max length : 100 | Service modality code |
nomsmo | N | String | max length : 100 | Service modality name |
codral | N | String | max length : 10 | Meal plan code |
nomral | N | String | max length : 100 | Meal plan name |
codtrf | N | String | max length : 100 | Rate code |
nomtrf | N | String | max length : 100 | Rate name |
codcha | N | String[] | max length : 30 | Service modality feature code |
codsca | N | String | max length : 100 |
Used in:
Sub-element Infprt: Information about rate properties.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
tipprt | Y | String | max length : 10 NRE MED UNE OFF ON MAR RES OPA REG OUT HGL II FUN EXC INC TAX AGT CC | Property type code NRE: Non Refundable MED: Older than UNE: Unemployed OFF: Offline ON: Online MAR: Market RES: Resident OPA: Opaque REG: Sign in OUT: Exclude Calendar_Alternative HGL: Highlighted Rate II: Insurance Included FUN: Public worker EXC: Excluded Country INC: Included Country TAX: Tax Included AGT: Agent CC: Call Center |
valprt | N | String | max length : 10 | Property value. If no value is indicated, it will only be filtered by "tipprt" |
desprt | N | String | max length : 50 | Description of the property for the current language |
Used in:
Sub-element Infftr: values of the elements that can be filtered.
Element | M | Type | Values / Format | Description |
codele | Y | Enumeration |
codcas codcha codcia coddiv codidi codprv codral codsca codsmo codsup fcodtse subtse | Element code. codcas: Service feature. codcha: Modality feature. codcia: Hotel chain code coddiv: currency code. codidi: language code. codprv: provider code. codral: meal plan code. codsca: service category. codsmo: service modality. codsup: supplement code. codtse: service type. subtse: service subtype |
infele | N | Infele[] | See definition | See definition |
valstr | C | String[] | max length : 100 | String of characters |
valfec | C | Date[] |
| Date value |
valhor | C | DateTime[] |
| Time value |
Comments: valstr, valfec and valhor are mandatory.
Used in:
Example of a hotel availability response.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<infhot id="1">
<nomser>Hotetec PULL</nomser>
<infhab id="11002000" refdis="1">
<nomtrf>NO REFUNDABLE RATE</nomtrf>
<notser id="0">
<txtinf>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</txtinf>
<notser id="1">
<txtinf>Suite Vista jardín</txtinf>
<notser id="2">
<txtinf>Todo incluido</txtinf>