This message allows authenticating the user in the platform Hotetec. A session identifier (ideses) is assigned, which must be included in all request messages sent to the XML platform.
The session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity. Once this time has elapsed, the current ideses cannot be used anymore. If the session has expired, you will receive an error message indicating so in the response.
SesionAbrirPeticion: log in request.
Element | M | Type | Values/Format | Description |
versys | N | String | max length: 10 | XML version. (1.0) |
codsys | Y | String | max length: 3 | System code |
codage | Y | String | max length: 10 | Agency code |
idtusu | Y | String | max length : 16 | User identifier |
pasusu | Y | String | max length : 16 | Password |
codidi | N | Enumeration | DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT | Language code ISO 639-1 codes are used for languages, and currently, only the enumerated values are accepted. |
iphost | N | String | regular expression: [0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){3} | IP address |
</ SesionAbrirPeticion>
SesionAbrirRespuesta: log in response.
Element | M | Type | Values/Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | max length: 40 | Session identifyer |
error | N | error (Group) |
This message closes the current session by invalidating the ideses identifyer. Onces processed, the ideses is no longer valid.
SesionCerrarPeticion: request message for closing session.
Element | M | Type | Values/Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | max length: 40 | Session identifyer |
SesionCerrarRespuesta: response message for closing session.
Element | M | Type | Values/Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | max length: 40 | Session identifyer |
error | N | error (Group) |
After receiving this message, the current ideses will no longer be valid, and therefore cannot be used in any other message.
Sesión Estado
Once a session is opened with specific validation credentials, the generated ideses has an associated configuration. For example, if a session is opened with a user configured in Spanish, whenever this ideses is used, the language used in all transactions will be Spanish.
Through the session status request, the associated configuration for an ideses can be queried. In addition to querying, it can also be used to modify certain parameters of the configuration, such as the language code and currency.
Request message: If only the ideses is provided in the SesionEstadoPeticion, the platform will return in the response the configuration associated with the ideses sent in the request (language, currency, etc.).
Modification message: The modifications supported by the session status message are the language code and/or the current currency code. These elements should be provided in the SesionEstadoPeticion message. The new value is indicated, and the response message will return the requested information, confirming the change.
SesionEstadoPeticion: session policy request message.
Element | M | Type | Values/Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | max length: 40 | Session identifyer |
codidi | N | Enumeration | DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT | Language code. ISO 639-1 codes are used for languages, and currently, only the enumerated values are accepted. |
coddiv | N | Enumeration | EUR, USD, GBP, EGP, MXN, CHF | Currency code. ISO 4217 codes are used for currencies, and currently, only the enumerated values are accepted. |
Query Request message:
Modification Request message. The used ideses would be updated to use the language EN and the currency GBP:
SesionEstadoRespuesta: session policy response message.
Element | M | Type | Values/Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | max length: 40 | Session identifyer |
infses | Y | Infses | View definition | View definition |
error | N | error (Group) |
Sub-element Infses: dynamic Session Status information.
Element | M | Type | Values/Format | Description |
codidi | Y | Enumeration | DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT | Language code. ISO 639-1 codes are used for languages, and currently, only the enumerated values are accepted. |
coddiv | Y | Enumeration | EUR, USD, GBP, EGP, MXN, CHF | Currency code. ISO 4217 codes are used for currencies, and currently, only the enumerated values are accepted. |
Used in:
Query Response message:
<ideses>XML#17#442106373838493</ ideses>
Modification Response message (following the previous example):
<ideses>XML#17#442106373838493</ ideses>
Sesión Ignorar
The message clears the current state of the ongoing reservation.
All information in the state of actions taken so far, such as availabilities, blocks, etc., will be erased. However, the ideses will still be valid, so it can be used in subsequent messages.
SesionIgnorarPeticion: ignore Session Request message.
Element | M | Type | Values/Format | Description |
ideses | Y | String | max length: 40 | Session identifyer |
codtou | Y | String |
| Tour operator code |
SesionIgnorarRespuesta: ignore Session response message .
Element | M | Type | Values/format | Description |
ideses | S | String | max length: 40 | Session identifyer |
codtou | S | String |
| TTOO code |
error | N | error (Group) |