When a booking is made by the client, they must notify Hotetec's platform using the PhoenixBookingNotificationRequest message.
Hotetec will respond to this notification with the PhoenixBookingNotificationResponse .
When notifying a booking to Hotetec, it must always include all rooms, including those that have been canceled, modified, or added.
If a booking with two rooms is notified to Hotetec, and later one of them is canceled, a new notification of this booking must be sent containing two rooms:
- One with the status CONFIRMED
- One with the status CANCELED
It is used to notify the client's booking to Hotetec:
Element | M | Type | Restrictions | Description |
booking | Y | ComplexElement | Booking notification |
Example PhoenixBookingNotificationRequest
<createDateTime>01/06/2020 12:00:00</createDateTime>
<externAgency>Viajes 123</externAgency>
<contactPerson name="John" surname="Smith" email="[email protected]" telephone="192456789" country="ES"/>
<bookingRoom id="1">
<rateDay day="01/08/2020" rateCode="Flexible rate" amount="412.60" />
<rateDay day="02/08/2020" rateCode="Flexible rate" amount="412.60" />
<rateDay day="03/08/2020" rateCode="Flexible rate" amount="412.60" />
<rateDay day="04/08/2020" rateCode="Flexible rate" amount="412.60" />
<guest id="1" name="John Smith" amount="825.25" age="33" birthDate="01/04/1987"/>
<guest id="2" name="Jane Smith" amount="825.25" age="35" birthDate="01/04/1985"/>
<arrivalFlight dateTime="01/01/2021 00:00:00" flightNumber=”abc1234"/>
<departureFlight dateTime="06/01/2021 00:00:00" flightNumber=”xyz9876"/>
<remark text="Non smoking room please" />
<remark text="Nice room please" />
<paymentCardDetail holder="Jane Smith" number="4111111111111111" expiryDate="01/04/2025" securityCode="123"/>
It is the response message to the booking notification. :
Element | M | Type | Restrictions | Description |
status | Y | String | KO, OK | Indicates whether the request has been processed successfully (OK) or if an error has occurred (KO) |
error | S | ComplexElement | Error element |
Example PhoenixBookingNotificationResponse KO
<error code="PHX-14" message="Error al volcar la reserva en BBDD"/>
Example PhoenixBookingNotificationResponse OK