It is used to publish hotel prices and inventory:
Element | M | Type | Restrictions | Description |
credentials | Y | ComplexElement | Access credentials | |
hotelCode | Y | String | Hotel code | |
rate | Y | ComplexElement [1...N] | Rate Information |
Example PhoenixRoomRateUpdateRequest
<rate code="BAR">
<room code="DBL#STD">
<applicableDates dateFrom="01/03/2020" dateTo="08/03/2020">
<mealPlan code="RO">
<occupation adults="1" children="0" babies="0" status="Open" amount="512.0"/>
It is the response message to the publication of hotel prices and inventory :
Element | M | Type | Restrictions | Description |
status | Y | String | KO, OK | Indicates whether the request has been processed successfully (OK) or if an error has occurred (KO) |
error | Y | ComplexElement | Error element |
Example PhoenixRoomRateUpdateResponse
<error code="PHX-3" message="Error durante la actualización de la tarifa"/>